Spot in Chiba Prefecture

Kamogawa & Katsuura (鴨川, 勝浦)

Map around Kamogawa and Katsuura
1) Kamogawa Seaworld 2) Niemon island
3) Seichoji 4) Tanjoji 5) Tainoura
6) Katsuura Undersea Park

The southeastern area of Bôsô Peninsula is mountainous.
So it faces the Pacific Ocean and has a coastline with many inlets and rocky coasts.

And there are many small bathing resorts along this coastline.

Kamogawa and Katsuura are the central cities in this area.
Both are small cities, but several sightseeing spots are around these cities.

The station name of central Kamogawa city is "Awa-Kamogawa".
It is the station of JR railway, and the station is at the end of Sotobo Line running on the east side of the peninsula and Uchibo Line on the west side.

Kamogawa Seaworld (鴨川シーワールド)

Entrance gate of Kamogawa Seaworld
Entrance gate of Kamogawa Seaworld

Show of Killer whale
Show of Killer whale
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Kamogawa Seaworld is the large ocean leisure facilities located about 1.5 km northeast of JR Awa-Kamogawa station which is the central station in Kamogawa city.

Basically here is an large aquarium, and various marine animals are kept in captivity.

Especially, this aquarium has many actual achievements of breeding various marine creatures like bottlenose dolphin, killer whale, Australian sea lion, walrus and so on.

To visit here, we can use the complimentary shuttle service from Awa-Kamogawa station.
And the express buses from Tokyo station and Shibuya in Tokyo are operated.

Kamogawa Seaworld

Niemon island (仁右衛門島)

Niemon island
Niemon island

Hirano family's house in Niemon island
Hirano family's house in Niemon island

Niemon island is a small island about 200 meters from the coast, and is located about 3.5 km south of central Kamogawa city.

The width of island is only 250 meters from north to south and from east to west, but this is the largest island in Chiba Prefecture.

In 1180, Hirano Niemon living in this island hid Minamoto Yoritomo who was a samurai routed after the defeat in a civil war here.
Yoritomo waited a chance here, then he won the post of Shogun and founded Kamakura government in 1192.

Of course, Yoritomo treated Niemon with courtesy as an important benefactor.
Since that, Niemon has been handled down from generation to generation, then the 38th Hirano Niemon is living in this island now.
(The house in this island is only Hirano family's one.)

The house was rebuilt in 1704, and Hirano family opens the inside to the public.

And there is the cave where Yoritomo had hidden away at the southern coast.

To visit here, get off at Futomi station (next to Awa-Kamogawa station) of JR Uchibo Line, walk about 12 minutes, and go by small boat with a boatman.

Seichôji temple (清澄寺)

Main hall of Seichoji
Main hall of Seichoji
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Nakamon gate in Seichoji
Nakamon gate in Seichoji
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Seichôji is a temple of Nichiren Buddhism, and is located about 7 km northwest of central Kamogawa city.

It was built in 771, and became a temple of Tendai Zen sect in 836.

In the 13th century, Nichiren, a high priest, had performed the ascetic practices here, and he founded Nichiren Buddhism in 1253.

The precincts are located at the level of about 310 meters, and have some cultural properties.

And a Japanese cedar tree over 1,000 years old is designated as a national natural treasure.

To visit here, get off at Awa-Amatsu station (next to Awa-Kamogawa station) of JR Sotobo Line, and get on a route bus to Seichoji.
It takes about 12 minutes.

Tanjôji temple (誕生寺)

Main hall of Tanjoji
Main hall of Tanjoji
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Inside of Tanjoji
Inside of Tanjoji
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Tanjôji is the head temple of Nichiren Buddhism, and is located about 9 km east of central Kamogawa city.
The nearest station is Awa-Kominato of JR Sotobo Line.

Nichiren was born in this town in 1222.
And his disciple built this temple for the great saint in 1276.
By the way, "Tanjo" means "birth".

Most buildings were rebuilt in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the main hall was rebuilt in 1993.

To visit here, get off at Awa-Kominato station (next to Awa-Amatsu station) of JR Sotobo Line, get on a route bus to Okitsu-eki and get off at Tanjoji-iriguchi stop.
It takes about only 3 minutes.
(If you walk from the station to here, it takes about 25 minutes.)


Tainoura (鯛の浦)

Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Red sea breams in Tainoura
Red sea breams in Tainoura

Tainoura is the sea area near Tanjoji temple.

"Tainoura" means "sea that 'tai' is swimming".
Tai is a kind of fish and it means "red sea bream" in English.

We can see many red sea breams swimming in the shallow sea by pleasure boat.

Red sea breams usually live about 30 to 200 meters under the sea.
This sea has a depth of only 10 to 20 meters.

Additionally, red sea breams don't form groups generally.
But the red sea breams in Tainoura swim in herds.
This has been scientifically-unknown.
So here is designated as a special national treasure.

In the 13th century, Priest Nichiren came back to this town for praying his father's soul.
When he threw a paper with a Buddhist sutra into this sea, a miracle happened.
Many red sea breams gathered and had eaten the paper.

Since that, here became a holy place, and people has kept the prohibition of fishing here.

We can board the pleasure boat at the harbor near Tanjoji temple.

Tainoira (Japanese website)

Katsuura Undersea Park (勝浦海中公園)

Katsuura Undersea Park
Katsuura Undersea Park
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Undersea observatory room of Katsuura Undersea Park
Undersea observatory room
Photo by Chiba Prefectural Tourism Association

Katsuura Undersea Park is the marine park located about 3.5 km southwest of JR Katsuura station.

The main facility is the observatory tower.

On the bottom of the tower, there is the undersea observatory room.
We can see the undersea through the windows.

And, on the top of the tower, there is the observatory that we can see the view of Pacific Ocean.

Around the tower, there are the museums about the sea and a restaurant.

To visit here, get off at Ubara station (next to Katsuura station) of JR Sotobo Line, and walk about 15 minutes.

Katsuura Undersea Park (Japanese website)

How to get here

By railway

From Tokyo by limited express "Wakashio", about 1 hour and 30 minutes to Katsuura, about 2 hours to Awa-Kamogawa.

By express bus

From Tokyo station to Awa-Kamogawa station, through Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, about 2 hours and 10 minutes.
From Tokyo station to Katsuura station, through Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, about 1 hours and 50 minutes.
The express bus for Awa-Kominato stops at Tanjoji and Tainoura. About 20 minutes from Katsuura station.

Other Tourist Attractions in Chiba Prefecture

Tokyo Disney Resort Naritasan Shinshoji temple Sawara Junikyo cruise & Iris gardens Choshi Umi-hotaru Yoro Ravine Nomizo Falls Mount Nokogiri South Boso

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