Spot in Miyagi Prefecture

Naruko hot spring resort [鳴子温泉]

Naruko Onsen
Naruko Onsen
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Takinoyu in Naruko Onsen
Takinoyu in Naruko Onsen
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Naruko hot spring resort ("Naruko-onsen" in Japanese) is located about 55 km north of Sendai city.

After a volcano erupted in 826, it is said that this hot spring began to gush.
Since that time, it has been known as good spring resort.

Eai River flows near the resort town, and the area is surrounded by low mountains.

There are about two dozens of hotels and ryokans around JR Naruko-onsen station.

In the resort town, there are two communal bathhouses.

Takinoyu (滝の湯) is the oldest bath in this resort and the water is acid.

Waseda-Sajikiyu (早稲田桟敷湯) is a unique bathhouse.
Because seven civil engineering students of Waseda University in Tokyo struck this hot spring by chance when they were practicing boring in 1948.
In addition, the building of the bathhouse built in 1996 was designed by a professor of architecture of Waseda University.

Guests wearing Geta in Naruko Onsen
Guests wearing Geta in Naruko Onsen
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Kokeshi shop in Naruko Onsen
Kokeshi shop in Naruko Onsen
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

This resort is promoting to walk in geta (Japanese wooden clogs).

At the visitor center in Naruko-onsen station, we can rent a pair of geta. (100 yen a day)
Additionally, "Yumeguri ticket" is convenient to enjoy the various bathes. (1,200 yen)

Naruko is also known as one of the productive centers of kokeshi (simple Japanese wooden doll).
There are several kokeshi workshops in the resort town.

Naruko Spa Tourist Association

Japan Kokeshi Museum (日本こけし館)

Japan Kokeshi Museum
Japan Kokeshi Museum
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Painting pictures on Kokeshi
Painting pictures on Kokeshi
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Japan Kokeshi Museum ("Nihon Kokeshi-kan" in Japanese) is a museum of kokeshi opened in 1980.

It is located about 2 km west-southwest of Naruko hot spring resort town.
It is in Naruko Park on a hill.

Many various kokeshi dolls are displayed.
Especially, the collection of Prince Takamatsu (1905-1987), the third son of Emperor Taisho, should be seen.
They were endowed after he passed away.

We can also see the production process of kokeshi.

Naruko gorge (鳴子峡)

Naruko gorge
Naruko gorge
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Naruko gorge in autumn
Naruko gorge in autumn
Photo by Miyagi Prefecture

Naruko gorge ("Naruko-kyo" in Japanese) is a gorge formed by Ooya River flowing into Eai River.
It is located just west of the hill that there is Japan Kokeshi Museum.

The depth of the gorge is more over 100 meters, and the width is only 10 to 100 meters.
Along the river, there are many uniquely shaped rocks.

It is famous for its beautiful autumn leaves and the best season is from late October to early November.
In the season, route buses are operated from Naruko hot spring resort. (About 13 minutes)

How to get here

By Tohoku Shinkansen, get off at Furukawa station.
Then transfer to the train on JR East Rikuu Line ("Rikuu-tousen" in Japanese) and it takes about 50 minutes.

By express bus, From Sendai station, it takes 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Other Tourist Attractions in Miyagi Prefecture

Sendai city Shiogama shrine Matsushima Akiu hot spring resort Kinkasan Island Tashirojima island Shiroishi city Okama of Mt.Zao

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